Periodically SaaSync will lose authentication to various systems that we sync with. Sometimes this is temporary (e.g. the billing platform has an API outage) and sometimes it's permanent (e.g. you invalidate or delete an API Key, you do a forgot password in your billing/accounting platform which invalidates your OAuth credentials, etc). We make multiple attempts to try to automatically fix the issue should it be a transitory error. However, after a number of failed attempts to resolve the issue we will send you an email letting you know there is an issue.
Subject: We are having trouble connecting to {Your Company} (Your Sync System)
If SaaSync is able to automatically resolve the issue for you, we will send another email to you letting you know the issue has been resolved. However, if it's a situation that has not resolved or you know that a change was made that might require you to re-authenticate, you should attempt to resolve this issue.
To resolve this issue you can click "Fix" from the email and it will take you to SaaSync where you may need to first login. You may alternatively login to the SaaSync app dashboard and identify the sync(s) that are disabled due to a credentials issue. At the top of the screen you will see a status. If your sync still needs fixed it will say Credentials Issue.
If there is a credentials issue, at the bottom of the settings panel is an area that will contain instructions or a button allowing you to resolve the issue.
Upon successful resolution, the status will change to either Connected or Syncing and an email will be sent to you letting you know the issue is resolved.
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