CheckoutChamp is a Source that SaaSync supports in syncing to a Destination. To get started syncing CheckoutChamp to a Destination:
Create a SaaSync account or login to SaaSync if you already have an account,
From the SaaSync Connections page, add CheckoutChamp as a Source,
- Enter a name in the Name field,
4. Login to CheckoutChamp and follow these instructions to create an API User.
Go to Admin > Users and click the green + add user button.
5. Create a New User:
Username: Desired username for user (loginId on API requests)
Email: Email address for user (optional)
Access Level: Select 'Api User'
Password: Desired password *Note: The password must not have an "&" sign on it. (password on API requests)
Confirm: Confirm Password
6. Enter each of the following IP addresses into CheckoutChamp for the API user in the IP Whitelist fields. Save the changes.
7. In the Allowed API Endpoints section, select to enable the following endpoints:
- Query Customers
- Query Purchases
- Query Transactions
- Query Orders
8. Return to SaaSync and enter the API Username and API Password that were just created. Then click Connect to Checkout Champ. Your sync of data should begin.
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