When sending WooCommerce data to ChartMogul, we strongly recommend setting your churn recognition setting in ChartMogul to When the subscription ends in your billing system (default). This allows us to properly set the churn date that the billing system provides. This is a global setting and will affect all data sources.
If an order is 100% refunded, it will be removed from ChartMogul. This is because ChartMogul's Import API doesn't currently take full refunds into account when calculating MRR. So it could cause erroneous MRR calculations.
If you change the payment frequency on a WooCommerce subscription, for example from `monthly` to `annual`, all historical orders get treated as if they were billed under the most current setting (mostly impacting initial sync and re-syncs). WooCommerce does not store historical versions of the subscription.
If you include non-recurring items on an order that creates a subscription, the non-recurring items will be treated as recurring.
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